Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Hello...My name is Onion...=)
Just took these pictures juz now...
when Onion seem like wan to take it...LOL
I think he would like to wish you all Happy CNY...
 Gong Xi Fa Cai all...^^
ehhhhhh....What is that?
Is it for me??? O_O
 Let me see....
Hope inside got my food...=P
 awwwww....hard to open la...
but I won't gv up! ><"
hey hey hey...what you looking at??
Don't try to stale my ang pao arrrr....
It is my 1st ang pao since i born...
silly me..xD
forgive me for such a silly post...
but it's too boring here...
and Onion looks so cuteeee...
make me beh tahan wan to kacao him~
end of story...=)
gonna have more post & pic about my Little Onion...

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