Thursday, September 23, 2010

New SEm!

my new time table...==
[Blue 1 is da clz I nid to go]
Wait for it for 1 week dy...(I think...)
Finally get it!!
Hmmmm....wat can I say~
As we guess lo~got 6 subjects for this sem...
Good news:
1.I no nid to wake up early in the morning...
(except Thursday)
2. Ms Chow & Mr Samuel teach us AGAIN!
I guess not all DBF frds think tat this is a GOOD news...
coz....u noe i noe la...xD
but, I think it's quite good...
I quite like their teaching method...
and Mr. S's tips...ngek ngek ngek~
(and they can remember my name) LOL
Bad news:
1. I cant go my year end camp dy...=(
as friday got clz...and it is impossible for me to skip clz...
especially LECTURE clz...
Sorry all...
I let u all dissapointed again n again...
"I saw Mr S's name in your time table..."
he going to teach u all foreign exchange...
be prepare ya...=)
New sem start soon...
Hope I achieve my new target...
Good Luck & Dont be LAZY again....==

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